Bill Buffum | [email protected]
BA Brown University
MA Ohio University
PhD University of Vienna (2007)
Currently: Research Associate, Univ Rhode Island
Research topic: Forest management for wildlife.

Juliet Lamb | [email protected] | Website
BA Harvard University
MS University of Massachusetts Amherst
PhD Clemson University (2016)
Research topic: Using long-term satellite tracking data from multiple sea duck species in the northwestern Atlantic to examine annual-cycle movements and habitat use and prioritize sites for conservation

Clara Cooper-Mullin | [email protected]
BA Kenyon College (OH)
MSc Ohio State University
PhD University of Rhode Island (2019)
Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Rhode Island (Current)
Research topic: Spatial ecology and physiology of migratory birds

Wales Carter | [email protected]
BSc Dartmouth College
PhD University of Rhode Island (2019)
Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Rhode Island (Current)
Research topic: Wildlife ecology and physiology

Martina Muller | [email protected]
BS University of Rhode Island
MS Wake Forest University
PhD Groningen University (Netherlands)
Postdoctoral Fellow: Nagoya University (Japan)
Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Rhode Island (Current)
Research topic: Spatial ecology of migratory birds in relation to development

Clay Graham | [email protected]
BA Hiram College (OH)
MS University of Rhode Island (Current)
Research topic: Spatial ecology of a forest-dwelling shorebird, the American Woodcock

Erin Harrington | [email protected]
BA University of California Santa Cruz
MA Oregon State University
MS Oregon State University
PhD University of Rhode Island (Current)
Research topic: A symbiosis of science and rhetoric: using transdisciplinary assessment to improve science engagement

Kristen DeMoranville | [email protected]
BSc Framingham State University (MA)
MSc Miami University (OH)
PhD University of Rhode Island (Current)
Research topic: Effects of diet and exercise on antioxidant capacity in migrating birds.

Abigail Frawley | [email protected]
BSc Rochester Institute of Technology (NY)
MSc University of Rhode Island (Current)
Research topic: Dietary antioxidants and oxidative challenges for songbirds during migration

Colby R. Slezak | [email protected]
BT SUNY Cobleskill (NY)
MSc University of Rhode Island (Current)
Research topic: Spatial ecology of woodcock in relation to forest management practices

Barbara Pierce | [email protected]
BSc Eastern Connecticut State University
MSc Central Connecticut State University
PhD University of Rhode Island (2003)
Currently: Associate Professor of Biology, Sacred Heart University (CT)
Dissertation topic: Nutritional ecology of songbirds: how food quality, diet preferences, and food limitation influence nutrient storage and use during migration.

Megan Whitman | [email protected]
BA Earlham College
MSc University of Rhode Island (2002)
Currently: Department Manager, Cornell University
Research topic: Body condition of songbirds at a migration stopover site.

Erik Endrulat | [email protected]
BSc University of Rhode Island
MSc University of Rhode Island (2003)
Currently: Technical Specialist, G&H International Services (NH)
Research topic: Effects of habitat management on Ruffed Grouse in Rhode Island and the central Appalachians.

David Podlesak | [email protected]
BSc Michigan State University
MSc Virginia Commonwealth University
PhD University of Rhode Island (2004)
Currently: Research Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory (NM)
Research topic: Metabolic routing of macronutrients in migratory songbirds: Effects of diet quality and macronutrient composition revealed using stable isotopes.

Richard McKinney | [email protected]
BSc University of Rhode Island
MSc University of Rhode Island
PhD University of Rhode Island (2005)
Currently: Research Scientist, Atlantic Coast Ecology Lab, Environmental Protection Agency (RI)
Research topic: Habitat use by waterfowl wintering in Narragansett Bay, RI.

Eric Schneider | [email protected]
BSc University of Massachusetts, Amherst
MSc University of Rhode Island (2005)
Currently: Biologist, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Research topic: the effects of ambient temperature and human disturbance on piping plover incubation patterns at Cape Cod National Seashore.

Susan Smith (Pagano) | [email protected]
BSc SUNY Oswego
MSc SUNY, Brockport
PhD University of Rhode Island (2007)
Currently: Associate Professor of Organismal Biology, Rochester Institute of Technology (NY)
Research topic: Patterns of fuel use and storage in migrating songbirds.

Kris Winiarski | [email protected]
BSc University of Rhode Island
MSc University of Rhode Island (2007)
Currently: PhD candidate, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Research topic: Rapid environmental degradation in a subarctic ecosystem influences resource use of a keystone herbivore.

Erik Blomberg | [email protected]
BSc University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
MSc University of Rhode Island (2007)
PhD University of Nevada Reno
Currently: Assistant Professor, University of Maine
Research topic: Ruffed grouse population viability and habitat distribution in Rhode Island: implications for management of a declining population.

Lillie Langlois | [email protected]
MSc University of Rhode Island (2008)
Currently: PhD candidate, Pennsylvania State University
Research topic: Protein and amino acid requirements of passerine birds and their provision by natural foods.

Jessica Bolser
BSc Southern Illinois University
MSc University of Rhode Island (2010)
Currently: Wildlife Biologist, US Fish & Wildlife Service (IL)
Research topic: Dietary antioxidants and migratory birds.

Michelle Boyles | [email protected]
BSc Sacred Heart University
MSc University of Rhode Island (2011)
Currently: Wildlife Biologist, US Geological Survey (CA)
Research topic: Seasonal diet preferences for fatty acids in migratory songbirds.

Rebecca Alan | [email protected]
BSc Worcester Polytechnic Institute
MSc University of Rhode Island (2012)
Currently: Secondary School Science Teacher, Massachusetts
Research topic: Oxidative stress, antioxidants, and diet preference in migratory songbirds.

Pam Loring | [email protected]
BSc University of Massachusetts, Amherst
MSc University of Rhode Island (2012)
PhD. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Currently: USFWS Biologist
Research topic: Phenology and habitat use of scoter along the southern New England continental shelf.

Josh Beuth | [email protected]
BSc Unity College
MSc University of Rhode Island (2013)
Currently: Waterfowl Biologist, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Research topic: Body composition, movement phenology, and habitat use of Common Eider along the southern New England coast.

Danielle Birmingham | [email protected]
BS University of Rhode Island
MESM University of Rhode Island (2012)
Research topic: Influence of the RI Coverts Project: Five case studies of forest management by landowners.

Jacqueline Hall | [email protected]
BS University of Rhode Island
MESM University of Rhode Island (2014)
Current: Fisheries Specialist I, RI DEM
Research topic: How to site an offshore windfarm: A tale of two states

Ulf Bauchinger | [email protected]
BSc University of Munich (Germany)
PhD. Technical University Munich (Germany)
Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Rhode Island (2008-2011)
Currently: Research Associate, Jagiellonian University (Poland)
Research topic: Physiology and ecology of migratory birds.

Samantha Richman | [email protected]
BSc University of California, Santa Cruz
MSc University of Wyoming
PhD. University of Wyoming
Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Rhode Island (2012-2013)
Research topic: Physiology and ecology of waterfowl.

Roger Masse | [email protected]
BSc University of Vermont
MSc Delaware State University
PhD University of Rhode Island (2014)
Currently: Assistant Professor, SUNY Cobleskill (NY)
Research topic: Effects of forest management on the ecology of woodcock and songbirds.

Adam Smith | [email protected]
BSc Murray State University
MSc Boise State University
PhD University of Rhode Island (2013)
Currently: Biometrician, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Atlanta, GA
Research topic: Distribution and abundance of birds in southern New England.

Megan Skrip |[email protected]
BSc College of New Rochelle (NY)
PhD University of Rhode Island (2016)
Currently: Science Communicator, Center for Geospatial Analytics, NC State University
Research topic: Effects of diet and exercise on antioxidant capacity in migrating birds. Assessing the broader impacts of research.

Steven Brenner | [email protected]
BSc Pennsylvania State University (PA)
MSc University of Rhode Island (2018)
Currently: Assistant Nongame Bird Biologist, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Research topic: Effects of forest management on bird abundance and distribution.

Dustin Meattey | [email protected]
BSc Unity College
MSc University of Rhode Island (2018)
Currently: Biodiversity Research Institute
Research topic: Spatial ecology of sea ducks